List of Accredited Courses
HKASW Ref. No. Course Name Organiser(s) Valid Until Accredited No. of points
B0054 Bowen Family Therapy Training SRACP 09/09/2023 14.00
B0042 Trauma Informed Care Training Workshop: Be more professional at Work I SRACP 03/02/2024 18.00
B0041 Online Group Work Skill - Use Online Apps for Group Discussion SRACP 08/03/2024 11.00
B0040 New User Training on LS/CMI SRACP 11/05/2024 18.00
B0039 戲劇治療基礎及角色理論於個案工作 SRACP 25/08/2024 14.00
A0005 A Training Course on a Transformative Learning Approach to Parent Empowerment The Hong Kong Council of Social Service 17/01/2024 52.00
A0008 成癮行為及相關罪行輔導課程 The Society of Rehabilitation and Crime Prevention, Hong Kong 23/02/2024 20.00
F0122 2nd Youth Mental Health International Conference The University of Hong Kong 08/06/2026 14.00
C0034 Training on Protecting Children from Maltreatment Tung Wah Group of Hospitals/Community Services Division/Youth and Family Services Section 19/10/2024 21.00
G0019 S.E.M.S.晚年照顧及善終服務提升計劃-專業同工培訓課程 東華三院圓滿人生服務 02/06/2026 26.00