List of Accredited Courses
HKASW Ref. No. Course Name Organiser(s) Valid Until Accredited No. of points
D0010 How to integrate Gestalt therapy/Field perspective in therapeutic assessment 2022 Caritas, Hong Kong 09/06/2025 12.00
D0011 Learning Emotion-Focused Interventions: Tracking Emotional Experience through Narrative Process Caritas, Hong Kong 15/06/2025 18.00
D0012 精神健康急救標準課程(網上版) Caritas, Hong Kong 15/05/2025 5.00
D0013 如何協助中學生面對學業壓力 和減低焦慮一天工作坊 (第四期) Caritas, Hong Kong 08/07/2025 7.00
D0014 「靜觀認知治療」八星期課程 (第二十二期) Caritas, Hong Kong 10/08/2025 27.00
D0015 “人本-存在主義技術性折衷法”生死教育 Caritas, Hong Kong 06/07/2025 13.00
D0016 An Integrative Neuro-Somatic Focusing Oriented Approach in Trauma Treatment Certification Course Module2 Caritas, Hong Kong 18/07/2025 26.00
D0017 心理劇初探體驗工作坊 (第七期) Caritas, Hong Kong 13/07/2025 3.00
D0018 人本-存在主義療法工作坊:面對親密關係的終結/自殺危機處理 2022 Caritas, Hong Kong 04/07/2025 13.00
D0019 性格透視®認可(一級)培訓師認證課程 (第三十九期) Caritas, Hong Kong 04/08/2025 26.00