List of Accredited Courses
HKASW Ref. No. Course Name Organiser(s) Valid Until Accredited No. of points
A0034 Workshop on the Intergenerational Practice 「世代交流」實戰工作坊 Aberdeen Kai-fong Welfare Association 04/05/2024 4.00
B0001 提升帶領小組技巧 – 實戰篇 Aberdeen Kai-Fong Welfare Association 16/11/2024 12.00
Workshop on the Intergenerational Practice Aberdeen Kai-fong Welfare Association Limited - Continuing and Adult Retraining Education Community College 01/06/2027 4.00
D0001 DanceAbility® 30 Hour Intensive Course Artscompana Limited 26/07/2025 30.00
B0002 「正念社工訓練計劃(青少年服務)」 Body-Mind-Spirit Platform Ltd. 03/03/2023 46.00
B0003 「正念社工訓練計劃(青少年服務)」 Body-Mind-Spirit Platform Ltd. 01/03/2025 46.00
B0045 賽馬會正念家庭社工培訓計劃(基礎導師訓練課程) Body-Mind-Spirit Platform Ltd. 30/06/2025 48.00
B0046 賽馬會正念家庭社工培訓計劃(深度專業訓練課程) Body-Mind-Spirit Platform Ltd. 30/06/2026 142.00
A0077 「靜觀認知治療」八星期課程 (第九期) Caritas – Hong Kong 02/04/2022 25.00
A0078 "The Use of Clay in Counselling" experiential workshop Caritas – Hong Kong 29/08/2022 6.00