List of Accredited Courses
HKASW Ref. No. Course Name Organiser(s) Valid Until Accredited No. of points
B0032 Commenting Staff’s Reports for MDCC on Protection of Child with Suspected Maltreatment Hong Kong Social Workers Association 09/12/2024 3.00
B0033 Zoom Workshop on “Empowering Staff with Effective Performance Assessment” Hong Kong Social Workers Association 30/11/2024 3.00
B0034 Practice Workshop on Rice Therapy and Trauma: Self-care and Burnout Prevention for Social Workers Hong Kong Social Workers Association 25/02/2025 3.00
A0014 中學社工線上工作技巧 Hong Kong Social Workers Association 30/08/2023 3.00
A0020 「腦退化照顧」的未來發展及嶄新方向 ­ - 社工介入與跨專業協調 工作坊及實地參觀 Hong Kong Social Workers Association 29/10/2023 3.00
A0021 情緒導向(個人)治療 -「用『心』聆聽:協助案主跳出情緒的困難」工作坊 (Emotion-focused Therapy) Hong Kong Social Workers Association 09/10/2023 13.00
B0047 在社工實踐及角度.看人與動物的聯繫 Hong Kong Social Workers Association 15/11/2024 3.00
B0048 《動機式訪談法》理論和實務應用工作坊 Hong Kong Social Workers Association 15/10/2024 3.00
B0049 我們這一家:SEN 與 ASD 社區支援攻略 Hong Kong Social Workers Association 19/09/2024 3.00
B0050 網上性陷阱 : 裸聊點數黨 Hong Kong Social Workers Association 08/02/2025 2.00