List of Accredited Courses
HKASW Ref. No. Course Name Organiser(s) Valid Until Accredited No. of points
E0001 《港區國安法》簡介 Caritas – Hong Kong 07/01/2024 2.00
H0018 Creative Approaches in Casework with the Youths Caritas Hong Kong - Family Service 30/03/2026 7.00
H0019 「守護.同行守門員」個人危機處理 工作坊 Caritas Hong Kong - Family Service 01/06/2026 3.00
H0022 Search Inside Yourself Mindfulness Training Caritas Hong Kong - Family Service 20/06/2026 6.00
H0024 運用「性格透視」於男士服務的實務經驗分享工作坊 Caritas Hong Kong - Family Service 26/06/2026 2.00
H0025 男士服務專業分享 - 心像工作及身體工作手法運用經驗 Caritas Hong Kong - Family Service 19/06/2026 3.00
H0027 「高衝突婚姻伴侶 - 感性藝術與理性科學的揉合介入」IFSC社工培訓 -- 培訓一至三 Caritas Hong Kong - Family Service 24/07/2026 6.00
H0028 Supervision on integrated framework of TICP and I-FAST Caritas Hong Kong - Family Service 29/06/2026 12.00
H0029 I-FAST program evaluation 2023 Caritas Hong Kong - Family Service 06/07/2026 3.00
H0030 Integrative Family and Systems Treatment (I-FAST) Seminar “A Journey of reconciliation within a family: I-FAST application in the US and Hong Kong context” Caritas Hong Kong - Family Service 06/07/2026 3.00