List of Accredited Courses
HKASW Ref. No. Course Name Organiser(s) Valid Until Accredited No. of points
F0064 Sharing Session on Addiction (Drugs and Gambling) 動機式晤談 (MI) 與4C 戒癮輔導應用工作坊 Caritas, Hong Kong 24/08/2024 3.00
F0069 Practice Wisdom Sharing for Assistant Supervisor Caritas, Hong Kong 22/02/2025 3.00
F0071 Taste of Tree in World of Expressive Art Caritas, Hong Kong 25/05/2024 3.00
F0074 園藝治療應用於學校社會工作服務 (由 Horticultural Therapy Peer Learning Group 舉辦) Caritas, Hong Kong 26/07/2024 3.00
F0075 單次諮詢服務經驗分享 Caritas, Hong Kong 07/10/2024 3.00
F0076 性別角度的男士與家庭工作 Caritas, Hong Kong 18/11/2024 3.00
F0077 孤寂男士 - 社交及溝通介入經驗分享 Caritas, Hong Kong 16/12/2024 3.00
F0078 如何支援成癮者家庭(預防復發及互累症) Caritas, Hong Kong 24/03/2025 3.00
F0081 Training on preliminary assessment of child maltreatment cases Caritas, Hong Kong 09/06/2025 3.00
F0082 青少年的性創傷 Caritas, Hong Kong 04/03/2024 3.00