List of Accredited Courses
HKASW Ref. No. Course Name Organiser(s) Valid Until Accredited No. of points
A0152 3-day Workshop : Fundamental Clinical Training in Cognitive Behavioral Therapy Caritas, Hong Kong 25/08/2022 21.00
A0153 Clinical Consultation on Direct Family Social Work Practice: Working with Special Education Needs Children and Families from Analytical Psychology and Systemic Perspective Caritas, Hong Kong 14/02/2022 21.00
A0155 「人之常情」 智障人士疫情中的情緒與行為 培訓工作坊二 (如何運用表達藝術調適情緒需要) Caritas, Hong Kong 01/06/2023 12.00
A0156 保護兒童免受虐待---辨識與介入 Hong Kong Social Workers Association 19/05/2023 2.00
A0157 網上大班體驗活動帶領技巧 Hong Kong Social Workers Association 20/12/2023 3.00
A0158 網上桌遊、密室及虛擬考察帶領技巧 Hong Kong Social Workers Association 27/12/2023 3.00
A0159 Supportive Supervision Scheme - Certified Social Work Supervisor Training Course Hong Kong Social Workers Association 01/05/2023 75.00
A0160 Certified School Social Worker (Secondary School) Training Course Hong Kong Social Workers Association 01/08/2024 54.00
A0161 「債務輔導訓練」工作坊 香港聖公會福利協會 09/12/2023 6.00
A0162 Suicide Risk Assessment and Management Caritas, Hong Kong 22/01/2022 3.00