List of Accredited Courses
HKASW Ref. No. Course Name Organiser(s) Valid Until Accredited No. of points
A0163 Supervision on Arts-based Social Work Practice Caritas, Hong Kong 09/04/2023 36.00
A0164 Sex Therapy Service: Gender Identity Disorder: An Update Caritas, Hong Kong 17/07/2022 2.00
A0165 「人之常情」 智障人士疫情中的情緒與行為 培訓工作坊一 (認識情緒調適及介入) Caritas, Hong Kong 25/05/2023 10.00
A0166 「療愈話」專業培訓工作坊 (探索情緒背後的意義,如何自我關懷) Caritas, Hong Kong 08/06/2023 16.00
A0167 處理特殊教育需要SEN學生的實用技巧工作坊 Hong Kong Social Workers Association 29/11/2022 3.00
A0168 學校社工自處與介入之道 Hong Kong Social Workers Association 26/12/2022 3.00
A0169 Professional Certificate Course for Primary School Social Worker Hong Kong Social Workers Association 22/07/2024 30.00
A0170 青少年網絡沉溺輔導新法 Hong Kong Social Workers Association 11/05/2024 3.00
A0171 新晉中層管理核心才能發展課程 Hong Kong Social Workers Association 17/05/2024 21.00
A0172 敘事實踐初階課程 Hong Kong Social Workers Association 09/06/2024 24.00