List of Accredited Courses
HKASW Ref. No. Course Name Organiser(s) Valid Until Accredited No. of points
A0011 「從死亡學看人生」系列之《失去中釋所惜》 香港聖公會福利協會道程專業培訓中心 16/09/2023 2.00
A0012 「流彩‧釋心」導師認證培訓課程 香港聖公會福利協會 21/04/2023 32.00
A0013 保護兒童免受虐待---社工介入技巧與新知 Hong Kong Social Workers Association 19/05/2023 3.00
A0014 中學社工線上工作技巧 Hong Kong Social Workers Association 30/08/2023 3.00
A0015 「危機事故壓力處理- 個人輔導」證書課程 Hong Kong Social Workers Association 23/05/2022 14.00
A0016 Sex Education for SEN Workshop 特殊學習需要學生的性教育 Hong Kong Lutheran Social Service, LC-HKS 13/10/2023 6.00
A0017 敘事實踐初階課程 Narrative practice with people in old age Hong Kong Lutheran Social Service, LC-HKS 31/05/2023 24.00
A0018 面對服務使用者時的困難 Supervision group by using Focusing and Satir Model Hong Kong Lutheran Social Service, LC-HKS 15/03/2023 18.00
A0019 Training Programme on Family Therapy for Cheer Lutheran Centre and Rainbow Lutheran Centre Hong Kong Lutheran Social Service, LC-HKS 10/09/2022 10.00
A0020 「腦退化照顧」的未來發展及嶄新方向 ­ - 社工介入與跨專業協調 工作坊及實地參觀 Hong Kong Social Workers Association 29/10/2023 3.00