List of Accredited Courses
HKASW Ref. No. Course Name Organiser(s) Valid Until Accredited No. of points
G0020 JCECC Professional Training Workshop - Music-based interventions in EoLC to improve quality of life JCECC 02/06/2026 3.00
G0019 S.E.M.S.晚年照顧及善終服務提升計劃-專業同工培訓課程 東華三院圓滿人生服務 02/06/2026 26.00
G0018 生死教育—說生道死:理論至實踐 •發展趨勢 香港聖公會福利協會 28/03/2026 3.00
G0017 照顧者服務的發展及突破 香港聖公會福利協會 26/03/2026 6.00
G0016 社工沙龍 藝術介入手法@SEN學生家長工作 Hong Kong Social Workers Association 09/05/2026 2.00
G0015 重大事故及災難支援@紅十字會 Hong Kong Social Workers Association 01/05/2026 2.00
G0014 Handling Child Custody Dispute Cases – the Legal Context and Social Work Practice Hong Kong Social Workers Association 26/06/2026 3.00
G0013 Service Innovation for Greater Social Impact Hong Kong Social Workers Association 26/04/2026 4.00
G0012 Sector Seminar on Finding New Ways of Serving the Elderly Hong Kong Social Workers Association 08/05/2026 3.00
G0011 性格透視 -- 遊戲設計與實踐分享工作坊 Caritas, Hong Kong 16/03/2026 3.00