List of Accredited Courses
HKASW Ref. No. Course Name Organiser(s) Valid Until Accredited No. of points
A0121 疫情下的療癒藝術:油粉彩系列 香港聖公會福利協會 24/09/2023 3.00
B0024 如何善用Apps 為有抑鬱徵狀的長者提供身心靈的介入服務 Hong Kong Social Workers Association 25/09/2023 3.00
A0027 腦神經學音樂治療—理論及應用 香港路德會社會服務處 05/10/2023 6.00
A0143 情緒取向治療 (Emotionally Focused Therapy) 入門講座 Caritas, Hong Kong 05/10/2023 3.00
A0021 情緒導向(個人)治療 -「用『心』聆聽:協助案主跳出情緒的困難」工作坊 (Emotion-focused Therapy) Hong Kong Social Workers Association 09/10/2023 13.00
A0041 僕人領導通識論:投訴點Handle? 香港聖公會福利協會 12/10/2023 3.00
C0009 Theraplay®-Based 遊戲小組 Hong Kong Children & Youth Services 13/10/2023 3.00
A0016 Sex Education for SEN Workshop 特殊學習需要學生的性教育 Hong Kong Lutheran Social Service, LC-HKS 13/10/2023 6.00
B0028 「危機事故壓力處理-小組介入」證書課程 Certificate Course on Critical Incident Stress Management (CISM) - Group Crisis Intervention Hong Kong Social Workers Association 20/10/2023 15.00
A0108 Sharing Session on AEDP Caritas – Hong Kong 20/10/2023 3.00