List of Accredited Courses
HKASW Ref. No. Course Name Organiser(s) Valid Until Accredited No. of points
A0029 應用「身心取向心理治療」技巧與「創傷知情照顧」緩減集體及個人創傷工作坊 Hong Kong Social Workers Association 26/10/2023 7.00
A0032 應用「創傷知情照顧」與「身體官感調節」緩減創傷工作坊 Hong Kong Social Workers Association 26/10/2023 3.00
A0130 應用音樂元素工作坊 (SEN學生篇) Caritas, Hong Kong 26/10/2023 2.00
A0020 「腦退化照顧」的未來發展及嶄新方向 ­ - 社工介入與跨專業協調 工作坊及實地參觀 Hong Kong Social Workers Association 29/10/2023 3.00
A0006 Certificate Programme in Community-based Dementia Care for Practitioners Department of Medicine and Therapeutics, Faculty of Medicine, The Chinese University of Hong Kong (CUHK) 01/11/2023 82.00
A0094 Introduction to Personal Data (Privacy) Ordinance (Online Course) Caritas – Hong Kong 03/11/2023 1.00
C0005 如何與青少年談性健康與疑惑 Hong Kong Children & Youth Services 04/11/2023 3.00
A0080 「緊繫我心‧讓我飛翔」小組培訓工作坊 Caritas – Hong Kong 10/11/2023 6.00
B0055 僕人領導通識論:AI大數據搞邊科? 香港聖公會福利協會 17/11/2023 3.00
C0006 保護兒童免受虐待多專業合作介入訓練 Hong Kong Children & Youth Services 18/11/2023 6.00