List of Accredited Courses
HKASW Ref. No. Course Name Organiser(s) Valid Until Accredited No. of points
A0075 預防及處理工作間性騷擾講座 香港聖公會福利協會 08/12/2022 2.00
B0059 「押花樂趣」園藝治療活動實務工作坊 (由Horticultural Therapy Peer Learning Group 舉辦) Caritas, Hong Kong 19/12/2022 3.00
A0090 I-FAST Training (Heartspring) Caritas – Hong Kong 22/12/2022 3.00
A0168 學校社工自處與介入之道 Hong Kong Social Workers Association 26/12/2022 3.00
A0151 應用非暴力溝通 (Non-violent communication) 及真誠對話(Authentic dialogue)化解關係撕裂 Hong Kong Social Workers Association 27/12/2022 3.00
A0025 設計思維工作坊 香港路德會社會服務處 08/01/2023 12.00
A0087 I-Fast Skype Clinical Supervision (Advanced Level) Caritas – Hong Kong 09/01/2023 15.00
A0142 Training Program on Accreditation of Caritas Certified I-FAST Supervisors 2019-2020 Caritas, Hong Kong 16/01/2023 61.00
A0044 I-FAST Clinical Supervision Caritas, Hong Kong 09/02/2023 18.00
A0088 Indepth experience sharing sessions on using I-Fast in supervision Caritas – Hong Kong 09/02/2023 6.00