List of Accredited Courses
HKASW Ref. No. Course Name Organiser(s) Valid Until Accredited No. of points
F0110 JCECC Professional Training Workshop: Family- based end-of-life care: assessment and communication JCECC 02/12/2025 6.00
F0097 婚姻法,禁制令和社工日常工作 Caritas, Hong Kong 01/12/2025 3.00
E0009 Covid 19 & Social Work Practice 新冠疫情與社會工作 家庭及兒童服務 業界分享交流會 Hong Kong Social Workers Association 27/11/2025 3.00
F0096 Trauma-informed Care Practice Consultation Series Caritas, Hong Kong 24/11/2025 18.00
F0116 危機事故壓力管理-小組介入模式證書課程(11.2022) 香港聖公會福利協會 23/11/2025 14.00
D0027 依附理論與兒童工作2022(2)_Zoom 培訓形式 Caritas, Hong Kong 14/11/2025 13.00
F0118 處理投訴人士六步曲培訓 香港聖公會福利協會 13/11/2025 3.00
D0034 Advanced Certificate Course for Family and Children Service workers Hong Kong Social Workers Association 07/11/2025 30.00
D0029 從婚外到婚內--如何重建婚姻信任與忠誠(進深篇) Caritas, Hong Kong 03/11/2025 12.00
F0109 「無為」表達藝術工作坊 Hong Kong Children & Youth Services 02/11/2025 6.00