List of Accredited Courses
HKASW Ref. No. Course Name Organiser(s) Valid Until Accredited No. of points
H0019 「守護.同行守門員」個人危機處理 工作坊 Caritas Hong Kong - Family Service 01/06/2026 3.00
G0021 2023香港社福開新篇高峰會 香港特區政府勞工及福利局、香港特區政府社會福利署及香港社福界心連心大行動 28/05/2026 4.00
G0016 社工沙龍 藝術介入手法@SEN學生家長工作 Hong Kong Social Workers Association 09/05/2026 2.00
G0012 Sector Seminar on Finding New Ways of Serving the Elderly Hong Kong Social Workers Association 08/05/2026 3.00
F0111 JCECC Professional Training Workshop - Working with Families on fear of death and separation JCECC 04/05/2026 2.00
G0015 重大事故及災難支援@紅十字會 Hong Kong Social Workers Association 01/05/2026 2.00
G0013 Service Innovation for Greater Social Impact Hong Kong Social Workers Association 26/04/2026 4.00
G0004 「依附創傷 - 婚外情輔導之歷程介入」IFSC社工培訓 -- 培訓一至三 Caritas, Hong Kong 24/04/2026 6.00
H0016 精神健康急救(關懷青少年版)課程 香港聖公會福利協會 19/04/2026 14.00
F0112 JCECC Professional Training Workshop - Supporting family members to provide care to EoL patients at home JCECC 14/04/2026 3.00