List of Accredited Courses
HKASW Ref. No. Course Name Organiser(s) Valid Until Accredited No. of points
B0019 處理特殊教育需要SEN學生的實用技巧工作坊 Hong Kong Social Workers Association 19/11/2022 3.00
B0024 如何善用Apps 為有抑鬱徵狀的長者提供身心靈的介入服務 Hong Kong Social Workers Association 25/09/2023 3.00
B0032 Commenting Staff’s Reports for MDCC on Protection of Child with Suspected Maltreatment Hong Kong Social Workers Association 09/12/2024 3.00
B0033 Zoom Workshop on “Empowering Staff with Effective Performance Assessment” Hong Kong Social Workers Association 30/11/2024 3.00
B0034 Practice Workshop on Rice Therapy and Trauma: Self-care and Burnout Prevention for Social Workers Hong Kong Social Workers Association 25/02/2025 3.00
A0014 中學社工線上工作技巧 Hong Kong Social Workers Association 30/08/2023 3.00
A0020 「腦退化照顧」的未來發展及嶄新方向 ­ - 社工介入與跨專業協調 工作坊及實地參觀 Hong Kong Social Workers Association 29/10/2023 3.00
B0047 在社工實踐及角度.看人與動物的聯繫 Hong Kong Social Workers Association 15/11/2024 3.00
B0048 《動機式訪談法》理論和實務應用工作坊 Hong Kong Social Workers Association 15/10/2024 3.00
B0049 我們這一家:SEN 與 ASD 社區支援攻略 Hong Kong Social Workers Association 19/09/2024 3.00