List of Accredited Courses
HKASW Ref. No. Course Name Organiser(s) Valid Until Accredited No. of points
B0047 在社工實踐及角度.看人與動物的聯繫 Hong Kong Social Workers Association 15/11/2024 3.00
B0001 提升帶領小組技巧 – 實戰篇 Aberdeen Kai-Fong Welfare Association 16/11/2024 12.00
C0030 僕人領導管理層培訓課程:慈悲與公義 香港聖公會福利協會 16/11/2024 3.00
F0076 性別角度的男士與家庭工作 Caritas, Hong Kong 18/11/2024 3.00
F0068 Invitation to Trauma-informed Care Focus Group - IFSC and Project workers (II) Caritas, Hong Kong 21/11/2024 2.00
F0034 I-Fast Skype Clinical Supervision (Advanced Level) Caritas, Hong Kong 23/11/2024 15.00
C0011 DISC Workplace Behavioral and Personality Analysis Hong Kong Children & Youth Services 23/11/2024 3.00
F0086 支援受眾, 從法律知識開始 Caritas, Hong Kong 25/11/2024 3.00
B0033 Zoom Workshop on “Empowering Staff with Effective Performance Assessment” Hong Kong Social Workers Association 30/11/2024 3.00
B0026 Neuro-Somatic Based Treatment Approach to work on Trauma Hong Kong Social Workers Association 06/12/2024 6.00