List of Accredited Courses
HKASW Ref. No. Course Name Organiser(s) Valid Until Accredited No. of points
C0017 沙維雅模式個案研討一-抑鬱症篇 香港聖公會福利協會 23/06/2024 3.00
B0009 「一起走過哀傷」- 如何應用善別輔導小組支援喪親家屬 Centre on Behavioral Health, HKU 24/06/2024 7.00
A0148 Managing Adolescent Suicide and Crisis Intervention Hong Kong Social Workers Association 28/06/2024 3.00
C0044 Introductory Workshop on Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT) Hong Kong Children & Youth Services 29/06/2024 6.00
F0055 Focus groups for school social workers on application of TICP Caritas, Hong Kong 29/06/2024 2.00
D0004 「精神健康急救」基礎證書課程 Hong Kong Children & Youth Services 04/07/2024 12.00
D0003 感覺統合訓練證書課程 Hong Kong Children & Youth Services 04/07/2024 10.00
F0062 Focus groups for school social workers on application of TICP Caritas, Hong Kong 06/07/2024 2.00
B0043 「善別輔導」深造諮詢小組課程 Centre on Behavioral Health, HKU 08/07/2024 36.00
C0051 職場欺凌要 Say No 香港聖公會福利協會 11/07/2024 3.00