List of Accredited Courses
HKASW Ref. No. Course Name Organiser(s) Valid Until Accredited No. of points
M0037 From Research to Practice Series: Applying Mindfulness-based programme in schools 靜觀課程在學校及兒童實務的應用 Hong Kong Academy of Social Work 24/10/2027 2.00
M0038 Strengths Model Training Workshop Hong Kong Academy of Social Work 19/09/2027 14.00
M0039 高效處理有情緒困擾問題的兒童及青少年 Hong Kong Academy of Social Work 30/10/2027 6.00
M0040 『有效應對具精神病徵狀人士』工作坊 Hong Kong Academy of Social Work 08/10/2027 3.00
M0041 Certificate Courses on Critical Incident Stress Management (CISM): Assisting Individuals in Crisis Hong Kong Academy of Social Work 07/10/2027 14.00
M0042 Certificate Courses on Critical Incident Stress Management (CISM): Group Crisis Intervention Hong Kong Academy of Social Work 09/01/2028 14.00
M0043 Certificate Courses on Critical Incident Stress Management (CISM): Advanced Group Crisis Intervention Hong Kong Academy of Social Work 18/09/2028 14.00
M0044 Certificate Courses on Critical Incident Stress Management (CISM): Strategic Response to Crisis Hong Kong Academy of Social Work 03/12/2028 18.00
M0045 Workshop for Chairperson of Multi-Disciplinary Case Conference (MDCC) on Protection of Child with Suspected Maltreatment Hong Kong Academy of Social Work 18/11/2027 12.00
K0042 預防學童網絡性侵害: 研究及實踐 Preventing online sexual exploitation against students: research and practice with vignette cases Hong Kong Academy of Social Work 25/04/2027 2.00