List of Accredited Courses
HKASW Ref. No. Course Name Organiser(s) Valid Until Accredited No. of points
G0012 Sector Seminar on Finding New Ways of Serving the Elderly Hong Kong Social Workers Association 08/05/2026 3.00
G0013 Service Innovation for Greater Social Impact Hong Kong Social Workers Association 26/04/2026 4.00
G0014 Handling Child Custody Dispute Cases – the Legal Context and Social Work Practice Hong Kong Social Workers Association 26/06/2026 3.00
G0015 重大事故及災難支援@紅十字會 Hong Kong Social Workers Association 01/05/2026 2.00
G0016 社工沙龍 藝術介入手法@SEN學生家長工作 Hong Kong Social Workers Association 09/05/2026 2.00
F0039 新冠疫情與社會工作 學校及青少年服務 業界分享交流會 Hong Kong Social Workers Association 26/10/2025 3.00
F0040 Professional Certificate Course for Social Work Clinical Supervisor _ Live instruction Hong Kong Social Workers Association 17/01/2026 18.00
F0041 Intermediate Course of Narrative Therapy Hong Kong Social Workers Association 12/09/2025 18.00
B0025 “Enhancing Casework Effectiveness: Skills in Writing Case Recording” Hong Kong Social Workers Association 15/07/2024 6.00
B0026 Neuro-Somatic Based Treatment Approach to work on Trauma Hong Kong Social Workers Association 06/12/2024 6.00